
If you would like to volunteer, please review the following information and submit the application below.

Daily Volunteer Opportunities

Daily commitment is not mandatory. You may choose the days you wish to volunteer.

We are primarily seeking volunteers who want to grow with us and will commit to coming at least 3-4 times each month.

Help us with our daily tasks around the sanctuary! We depend on daily volunteers to help with the day-to-day operations of the sanctuary! Daily volunteer tasks will involve animal bonding and playtime, feeding, animal house cleaning, scrubbing/disinfecting bowls, bedding refill, duck pond clean, grooming, organization, medical, construction and other animal care needs. The tasks may not always involve animal interaction, but many animals will visit you during your time with us.

Shifts will range from as early as 7am to 11am and 1pm to 4pm Monday-Sunday depending on the time of the year. We don't typically work in the heat of the day during the summer months and we start morning chores later in the winter months. The majority of our volunteer activities are mostly labor intensive, so please notify us in advance if you are unable to perform certain tasks.

Regular volunteers will receive complimentary branded merchandise.

If you wish to visit us, but cannot commit to volunteering, our tour days would be the best option for you.

  • • Read and sign the Liability Form attached to the Volunteer Application
  • • You must be 18 or older *15 - 17 years old MUST be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.*
  • • Leave ALL animal companions at home
  • • Wear weatherproof clothes and sturdy boots/shoes (no flip-flops or open toed shoes) and gloves if you have them.
  • • The sanctuary chores don't stop for the weather, please dress accordingly (weather for zip code 29379). You will be outdoors.
  • • NO outside food! We will provide snacks.

Not able to help on-site? No worries! Volunteers can also get involved with activities outside of animal care. We are looking for a select few that are willing to help with fundraising, events, videography, photography and social media! Just be sure to note that on your Volunteer Application!

Please understand that by filling out the form below you are not guaranteed acceptance into the volunteer program.

The form below MUST be filled out and signed before you visit the Wild Pines Sanctuary property.

Volunteer Application